Soleil Theory Day

The ETSF-Palaiseau Theoretical Spectroscopy group is glad to announce the first Soleil Theory Day, to be held at

Synchrotron SOLEIL, Grand Amphi --- 6/5/2014 at 09h30.


The scope of this day is to present the ab initio theoretical approaches and computational codes that are developed by the scientists of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) to the researchers of Soleil.
The focus will be on fundamental ideas, possibilities and limitations of the theories and codes that are currently used to complement experiments by providing tools of analysis and new predictions.
Methods for electronic excitations based on density functionals and Green's functions will be reviewed together with the ETSF codes that implement those methods (see Typical applications will be illustrated with an emphasis on the fruitful interactions between experiment and theory.
The goal of this "Theory Day" is to stimulate new discussions and collaborations between experimentalists and theoreticians, and to collect the demands of training on theory and codes in order to plan specific tutorials at Soleil.

Program of the day

  9h30-10h00 Matteo Gatti - Theory activities at Soleil (20'+10' discussion)
10h00-10h30 Lucia Reining - Key concepts of theoretical spectroscopy (20'+10' discussion)
10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h40 Giorgia Fugallo - Basics of density-functional theory  (30'+10' discussion)
11h40-12h30 Matteo Gatti & Claudia Roedl - Photoelectron spectroscopy (30' + 20' discussion)
12h30-13h30 Lunch break
13h30-14h20 Francesco Sottile - Absorption and energy-loss spectroscopy (30' + 20' discussion)
14h20-15h10 John Rehr & Keith Gilmore - Core-level spectroscopies   (30' + 20' discussion)
15h10-16h00 Poster session: ongoing theory developments