@article{343, keywords = {computational crystallography, vibrational properties, elastic properties, specific heat, ABINIT computer program, paper}, author = {X Gonze and GM Rignanese and M. Verstraete and JM Beuken and Y Pouillon and R Caracas and F Jollet and M Torrent and G Zerah and M Mikami and P Ghosez and M Veithen and JY Raty and Olevano V and Fabien Bruneval and Lucia Reining and RW Godby and G Onida and DR Hamann and DC Allan}, title = {A brief introduction to the ABINIT software package}, abstract = {A brief introduction to the ABINIT software package is given. Available under a free software license, it allows to compute directly a large set of properties useful for solid state studies, including structural and elastic properties, prediction of phase (meta)stability or instability, specific heat and free energy, spectroscopic and vibrational properties. These are described, and corresponding applications are presented. The emphasis is also laid on its ease of use and extensive documentation, allowing newcomers to quickly step in.}, year = {2005}, journal = {Zeitschift für Kristallographie}, volume = {220}, number = {5-6}, pages = {558-562}, publisher = {OLDENBOURG VERLAG}, address = {LEKTORAT MINT, POSTFACH 80 13 60, D-81613 MUNICH, GERMANY}, }