@article{380, keywords = {paper}, author = {Stefan Albrecht and Lucia Reining and Rodolfo Del Sole and G Onida}, title = {Ab initio calculation of excitonic effects in the optical spectra of semiconductors}, abstract = {An ab initio approach to the calculation of excitonic effects in the optical absorption spectra of semiconductors and insulators is formulated. It starts from a quasiparticle band structure calculation and is based on the relevant Bethe-Salpeter equation. An application to bulk silicon shows a substantial improvement with respect to previous calculations in the description of the experimental spectrum, for both peak positions and line shape.}, year = {1998}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {80}, number = {20}, pages = {4510-4513}, month = {MAY 18}, publisher = {AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC}, address = {ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA}, }