@article{429, keywords = {non-Palaiseau, paper}, author = {M van Faassen and J Jensen and J Berger and P. de Boeij}, title = {Size-scaling of the polarizability of tubular fullerenes investigated with time-dependent (current)-density-functional theory}, abstract = {We present a study of the static polarizability for the tubular fullerenes C-60 + (i x 10), where i= 0-5, and the closely related [5,5] carbon nanotube, using time-dependent (current)-density-functional theory. Comparing the results obtained within the conventional adiabatic local-density approximation with those obtained using the Vignale-Kohn current-dependent exchange-correlation functional it is found that the extra long-range exchange-correlation effects described by the current-density functional are important to consider, especially for the longest fullerenes. For all systems studied the current-density functional results are in good agreement with experiment, and the agreement with available ab initio self-consistent-field results and results from a point-dipole interaction model is much better than when using the adiabatic local-density functional. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, year = {2004}, journal = {CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS}, volume = {395}, number = {4-6}, pages = {274-278}, month = {SEP 11}, }