@article{447, keywords = {non-Palaiseau, paper}, author = {G Champion and N Lalioti and Tangoulis V and MA Arrio and P Sainctavit and F Villain and A Caneschi and D Gatteschi and Christine Giorgetti and Francois Baudelet and M Verdaguer and CCD Moulin}, title = {XMCD for monitoring exchange interactions. The role of the Gd 4f and 5d orbitals in metal-nitronyl nitroxide magnetic chains}, year = {2003}, journal = {JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY}, volume = {125}, number = {27}, pages = {8371-8376}, month = {JUL 9}, issn = {0002-7863}, doi = {10.1021/ja034608u}, }