@article{91, keywords = {paper}, author = {Hugo Henck and Debora Pierucci and Jihene Zribi and Federico Bisti and Evangelos Papalazarou and Jean-Christophe Girard and Julien Chaste and Francois Bertran and Patrick Le Fèvre and Fausto Sirotti and Luca Perfetti and Christine Giorgetti and Abhay Shukla and Julien Rault and Abdelkarim Ouerghi}, title = {Evidence of direct electronic band gap in two-dimensional van der Waals indium selenide crystals}, year = {2019}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Materials}, volume = {3}, chapter = {034004}, pages = {034004}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.034004}, }