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“Optical response of two-dimensional systems: Insights from classical electromagnetism to ab initio calculations”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 106. p. 035431, 2022.
, “Band Gap Renormalization, Carrier Multiplication, and Stark Broadening in Photoexcited Black Phosphorus”, Nano Lett., vol. 19. 2019.
, “Evidence of direct electronic band gap in two-dimensional van der Waals indium selenide crystals”, Phys. Rev. Materials, vol. 3. 2019.
, “Dielectric properties of graphene/MoS2 heterostructures from ab initio calculations and electron energy-loss experiments”, Phys. Rev. B , vol. 97. 2018.
, “Ultrafast electron dynamics reveal the high potential of InSe for hot-carrier optoelectronics”, Phys. rev. B, vol. 97. 2018.
, “Ab initio description of second-harmonic generation from crystal surfaces”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 94. 2016.
, “Exciton Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Materials”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116. American Physical Society, p. 066803, 2016.
, “Dynamical effects in electron spectroscopy”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 143. p. 184109, 2015.
, , “Optical properties of surfaces with supercell ab initio calculations: Local-field effects”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 92. 2015.
, “Multiple satellites in materials with complex plasmon spectra: From graphite to graphene”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 89. p. 085425, 2014.
, “Nanometric Resolved Luminescence in h-BN Flakes: Excitons and Stacking Order”, ACS Photonics, vol. 1. pp. 857-862, 2014.
, “Role of localized electrons in electron-hole interaction: The case of SrTiO3”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 87. American Physical Society, p. 235102, 2013.
, “Excitations électroniques dans les nano-objets composites”. 2nd Journées Nanosciences du CEA, Grenoble (France), 2010.
, “Spatial Resolution in Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy”. DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (Germany), 2009.
, “Ab Initio GW Many-Body Effects in Graphene”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 101. APS, p. 226405, 2008.
, “Anomalous Angular Dependence of the Dynamic Structure Factor near Bragg Reflections: Graphite”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 101. APS, p. 266406, 2008.
, “Linear plasmon dispersion in single-wall carbon nanotubes and the collective excitation spectrum of graphene”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 100. AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA, p. 196803, 2008.
, “Dynamical study of ZnO nanocrystal and Zn-HDS layered basic zinc acetate formation from sol-gel route”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, vol. 111, pp. 3253-3258, 2007.
, “In situ and simultaneous nanostructural and spectroscopic studies of ZnO nanoparticle and Zn-HDS formations from hydrolysis of ethanolic zinc acetate solutions induced by water”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, vol. 39, pp. 25-36, 2006.
, “Magnetic states of iron in metastable fcc Fe-Cu alloys”, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, vol. 424, pp. 27-32, 2006.
, “X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Gd L-2,L-3 absorption edges in GdN layers: The influence of lattice expansion”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 73, 2006.
, “Real time monitoring of the evolution of Ni2+ environment in faujasite upon rehydration by in situ dispersive-EXAFS”, CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 102, pp. 257-260, 2005.
, “Application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in materials science”, SPECTROSCOPY OF EMERGING MATERIALS, vol. 165. pp. 15-30, 2004.
, “Magnetic properties of RMn12-xFex type compounds - I. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of the ErMn12-xFex series with x=0, 7, 8 and 9”, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, vol. 368, pp. 84-93, 2004.