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“Excitonic signatures in different spectroscopies”. UK- France Seed meeting, Quantum Effects in Energy Harvesting, Edinburg 2024, 2024.
, “Theoretical approaches for photovoltaics”. Space Photovoltaics for Energy Conversion in extra-terrestrial environment Workshop, 2024.
, “Theoretical Spectroscopy via Green’s functions and Density Functional Theory”. Workshop on Spectroscopy and Machine Learning at Les Houches School of Physics, 2023.
, , “Electronic excitations via Inelastic X-ray Scattering: Green's functions approach”. International Conference on Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS2022), Oxford 2022, 2022.
, “Excitonic effects in spectra and beyond. A new look into Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.”. ETSF Workshop, Leuven (Belgium), 2022.
, “Exciton band structure of molybdenum disulfide: from monolayer to bulk”, Electronic Structure, vol. 3. IOP Publishing, p. 014005, 2021.
, “The color photography of Edmond Becquerel and quantum mechanics”. Edmond Becquerel Symposium, Paris (France), 2020.
, “Design of auxiliary systems for spectroscopy”, Faraday Discuss., vol. -. The Royal Society of Chemistry, p. -, 2020.
, “Excitation pathways in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of solids”, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 2. American Physical Society, p. 042003, 2020.
, “Excitons on a microscopic level: The mixed dynamic structure factor”, Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 1. American Physical Society, p. 032010, 2019.
, “Plasmon dispersion in graphite: A comparison of current ab initio methods”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 100. American Physical Society, p. 045205, 2019.
, “ENIGME: ab initio study of AgCl”. IPANEMA: du laboratoire au Musee, Paris (France), 2018.
, “TDDFT, Linear Response and the DP code”. EUSPEC Training School on Spectroscopy Codes, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2018.
, “Bethe-Salpeter equation approach in solids”. CECAM Theoretical Chemistry for Extended Systems, Toulouse (France), 2017.
, “Direct observation of the band structure in bulk hexagonal boron nitride”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95. American Physical Society, p. 085410, 2017.
, “Excitons in van der Waals materials: From monolayer to bulk hexagonal boron nitride”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95. American Physical Society, p. 035125, 2017.
, “Introduction to Green functions methods for valence spectroscopies”. Workshop on Common problems and solutions in core and valence theoretical spectroscopies, Paris (France), 2017.
, “Low-energy electronic excitations and band-gap renormalization in CuO”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95. American Physical Society, p. 195142, 2017.
, “Spectroscopy beyond GW”. EUSpec meeting: Ab-initio correlated methods in spectroscopy, 2017.
, “Time Dependent Density Functional Theory”. NSF/CECAM school on Computational Material Science, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2017.
, “Ab initio approaches to spectroscopies”. SOLEIL, Theory Days, Gif-sur-Yvette (France), 2016.
, “Exciton Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Materials”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116. American Physical Society, p. 066803, 2016.
, “Exciton dispersion and beyond”. 26 Condensed Matter Division of the EPS, Groningen (Netherlands), 2016.
, “Interpretation of monoclinic hafnia valence electron energy-loss spectra by time-dependent density functional theory”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 93. American Physical Society, p. 165105, 2016.