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L. Ponce, Taieb, R., Veniard, V., and Maquet, A., Attosecond-scale dynamics in ion-atom collision versus laser-atom interaction, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 39. IOP PUBLISHING LTD, DIRAC HOUSE, TEMPLE BACK, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND, pp. 4985-4998, 2006.
L. Ponce, Taieb, R., Veniard, V., and Maquet, A., Attosecond-scale dynamics in ion-atom collision versus laser-atom interaction, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 39, pp. 4985-4998, 2006.
V. Veniard, Highlights and challenges in strong fields atomic and molecular processes, Time-dependent functional theory, LECTURES NOTES IN PHYSICS, p. 377, 2006.
C. Ruiz, Plaja, L., Taieb, R., Veniard, V., and Maquet, A., Quantum and semiclassical simulations in intense laser-H-2(+) interactions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 73, 2006.
