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“Rigamonti et al. Reply:”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 117. American Physical Society, p. 159702, 2016.
, “Signatures of correlation: from excitons to satellites”. Workshop on Next Generation Quantum Materials, Sao Paulo (Brasil), 2016.
, “Ab initio description of exction dispersion”. Total Energy 2015, Trieste, Italy, 2015.
, “Dynamical effects in electron spectroscopy”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 143. p. 184109, 2015.
, “Electron-hole interactions in correlated electron materials: Optical properties of vanadium dioxide from first principles”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 91. American Physical Society, p. 195137, 2015.
, “Estimating Excitonic Effects in the Absorption Spectra of Solids: Problems and Insight from a Guided Iteration Scheme”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 114. American Physical Society, p. 146402, 2015.
, “Exciton disperion from First-principles.”. Psi-k General Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 2015.
, “Exciton dispersion in molecular solids”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 27. p. 113204, 2015.
, “Exciton energy-momentum map of hexagonal boron nitride”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 92. American Physical Society, p. 165122, 2015.
, “Preliminaries for the BSE: micro-macro connection”. nternational summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry, Aussois (France), 2015.
, “Quasiparticle excitations in the photoemission spectrum of CuO from first principles: A $GW$ study”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 91. American Physical Society, p. 045102, 2015.
, “Simple screened exact-exchange approach for excitonic properties in solids”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 92. American Physical Society, p. 035202, 2015.
, “Theoretical Spectroscopy :: Developments and Applications”, vol. Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches. Ecole Polytechnique, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, 2015.
, “The Bethe-Salpeter Equation”. EXCITING, 2014.
, “Challenges, problems and achieve- ments in response functions calculations”. Journées Scientifiques Equip@Meso 2014 : Méthodes Ab-initio, Lyon, France, 2014.
, “Evidence for anisotropic dielectric properties of monoclinic hafnia using valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and ab initio time-dependent density-functional theory”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105. p. 222904, 2014.
, “Multiple satellites in materials with complex plasmon spectra: From graphite to graphene”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 89. p. 085425, 2014.
, “Plasmon and Exciton disperion of wide-gap insulators and molecular solids.”. JEELS 2014, Roscoff, France, 2014.
, “Time Dependent Density Functional Theory”. EXCITING, 2014.
, “Dispersion of bound excitons in insulators there and back again”. Frontiers in Modelling Optical Excitations of Materials, Mantra Lorne, Australia, 2013.
, “Exciton dispersion from first principles”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 88. American Physical Society, p. 155113, 2013.
, “Exciton dispersion in wide-gap insulators: there and back again”. GDR-CoDFT General Meeting, Lorient, France, 2013.
, “Frenkel versus charge-transfer exciton dispersion in molecular crystals”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 88. American Physical Society, p. 195152, 2013.
, “Role of localized electrons in electron-hole interaction: The case of SrTiO3”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 87. American Physical Society, p. 235102, 2013.
, “Theoretical Description of the Dielectric Function Complementarity with Experiments”. FEMMS 2013, Chicheley Hall, UK, 2013.