Found 579 results
“Insight and prediction of materials properties from ab initio calculations of electronic excitations”. OSI-VIII Optic of surfaces and interfaces VIII, 2009.
, “Interpolation between spectra satisfying sum rules”, Physical Review B, vol. 79. APS, p. 094102, 2009.
, “Local atomic order and optical properties in amorphous and laser-crystallized GeTe”, C.R. Physique, vol. 10. pp. 514-527, 2009.
, “Many−Body Perturbation Theory: approaches and applications, limitations and good news”. KITP workshop From Basic Concepts to Real Materials, Santa Barbara (USA), 2009.
, “Master equations for quantum transport with Franck-Condon blockade”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 80. American Physical Society, p. 155437, 2009.
, “Optical and magnetic properties of boron fullerenes”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, vol. 11, Page 4523. 2009.
, “Plane-waves approach to Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Features, tools and results”. Understanding Materials through Electron Microscopes: Realising the Potential, Imperial College of London, United Kingdom, 2009.
, “Renormalization factor and effective mass of the two-dimensional electron gas”, Phys. Rev. B, 2009.
, “The self-energy beyond GW: Local and nonlocal vertex corrections”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 131. AIP, p. 154111, 2009.
, “Spatial Resolution in Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy”. DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (Germany), 2009.
, “Theoretical spectroscopy”, Comptes rendus physique, vol. Tome 10 N°6. 2009.
, “Time Dependent Density Functional Theory: Introduction and Applications”. International Workshop on Current Topics in Transmission Electron Microscopy: Plasmonics and Strain Mapping, Ringberg Castle, Munich, Germany, 2009.
, “Valence-band electronic structure of V[sub 2]O[sub 3]: Identification of V and O bands”, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol. 80. APS, p. 155115, 2009.
, “Ab Initio calculations of electronic excitations: Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene layer systems”. 11th Journées de la Matière Condensée, Strasbourg, France, 2008.
, “Ab initio calculations of electronic response - ingredients, results and challenges”. Workshop Recent Developments in Electronic Structure, University of Illinois Urbana (USA), 2008.
, “Ab Initio GW Many-Body Effects in Graphene”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 101. APS, p. 226405, 2008.
, “Ab initio study of bilateral doping within the $MoS_{2}-NbS_{2}$ system”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 78. American Physical Society, p. 134104, 2008.
, “Ab initio study of the dielectric response of crystalline ropes of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes: Tube-diameter and helicity effects”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 78. American Physical Society, p. 235428, 2008.
, “Accuracy of the pseudopotential approximation in ab initio theoretical spectroscopies”, Physical Review B, vol. 78. p. 245124, 2008.
, “Anomalous Angular Dependence of the Dynamic Structure Factor near Bragg Reflections: Graphite”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 101. APS, p. 266406, 2008.
, “Cluster-surface and cluster-cluster interactions: Ab initio calculations and modeling of asymptotic van der Waals forces”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 78, 035333. AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA, 2008.
, “EELS for Graphite, Graphene and SWCNTs: Plasmons and LFE.”. MORE2008 Vienna (Austria), 2008.
, “Electronic response: theoretical approaches and link to experiment”. MORE: Meeting on Optical Response in Extended Systems, Vienna (Austria), 2008.
, “Exchange and correlation effects in electronic spectra: contributions from ab initio calculations”. Workshop on X-ray spectroscopies: theory and experiment, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2008.
, “First-principles study of silicon nanocrystals: Structural and electronic properties, absorption, emission, and doping”, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 8. pp. 479-492, 2008.