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L. Reining, Overview of RPA from the Condensed Matter perspective. Multidisciplinary Workshop on RPA, Paris (France), 2010.
L. Reining, Overview on SCGF methods in electronic systems. Self-consistent Green's function methods: From solid state to nuclear physics: modern challenges and bridging to energy density functionals, Saclay (France), 2010.
J. Vidal, Botti, S., Olsson, P., Guillemoles, J. - F., and Reining, L., Strong Interplay between Structure and Electronic Properties in CuIn(S,Se)2: A First-Principles Study, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 104. p. 056401, 2010.
L. Reining, Correlation in electronic excitations. 14th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science, Trieste (Italy), 2009.
P. Romaniello, Sangalli, D., Berger, J. A., Sottile, F., Molinari, L. G., Reining, L., and Onida, G., Double excitations in finite systems, Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 130. p. 044108, 2009.
L. Reining, Electronic Response − Theoretical Approaches and Link to Experiment. Workshop Understanding Materials through Electron Microscopes − Realising the Potential, London (United Kingdom), 2009.
L. Reining, Insight and prediction of material properties from ab initio calculations of electronic excitations. Symposium Ab−initio approaches to excitations in condensed matter at DPG spring meeting, Dresden (Germany), 2009.
L. Reining, Insight and prediction of materials properties from ab initio calculations of electronic excitations. OSI-VIII Optic of surfaces and interfaces VIII, 2009.
H. - C. Weissker, Hambach, R., Olevano, V., and Reining, L., Interpolation between spectra satisfying sum rules, Physical Review B, vol. 79. APS, p. 094102, 2009.
W. Wełnic, Wuttig, M., Botti, S., and Reining, L., Local atomic order and optical properties in amorphous and laser-crystallized GeTe, C.R. Physique, vol. 10. pp. 514-527, 2009.
L. Reining, Many−Body Perturbation Theory: approaches and applications, limitations and good news. KITP workshop From Basic Concepts to Real Materials, Santa Barbara (USA), 2009.
P. Romaniello, Guyot, S., and Reining, L., The self-energy beyond GW: Local and nonlocal vertex corrections, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 131. AIP, p. 154111, 2009.
R. Hambach, Giorgetti, C., Sottile, F., and Reining, L., Spatial Resolution in Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy. DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden (Germany), 2009.
L. Reining, Theoretical spectroscopy, Comptes rendus physique, vol. Tome 10 N°6. 2009.
E. Papalazarou, Gatti, M., Marsi, M., Brouet, V., Iori, F., Reining, L., Annese, E., Vobornik, I., Offi, F., Fondacaro, A., Huotari, S., Lacovig, P., Tjernberg, O., Brookes, N. B., Sacchi, M., Metcalf, P., and Panaccione, G., Valence-band electronic structure of V[sub 2]O[sub 3]: Identification of V and O bands, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), vol. 80. APS, p. 155115, 2009.
L. Reining, Ab initio calculations of electronic response - ingredients, results and challenges. Workshop Recent Developments in Electronic Structure, University of Illinois Urbana (USA), 2008.
P. E. Trevisanutto, Giorgetti, C., Reining, L., Ladisa, M., and Olevano, V., Ab Initio GW Many-Body Effects in Graphene, Physical Review Letters, vol. 101. APS, p. 226405, 2008.
A. - G. Marinopoulos, Reining, L., and Rubio, A., Ab initio study of the dielectric response of crystalline ropes of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes: Tube-diameter and helicity effects, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 78. American Physical Society, p. 235428, 2008.
E. Luppi, Weissker, H. - C., Bottaro, S., Sottile, F., Veniard, V., Reining, L., and Onida, G., Accuracy of the pseudopotential approximation in ab initio theoretical spectroscopies, Physical Review B, vol. 78. p. 245124, 2008.
R. Hambach, Giorgetti, C., Hiraoka, N., Cai, Y. Q., Sottile, F., Marinopoulos, A. - G., Bechstedt, F., and Reining, L., Anomalous Angular Dependence of the Dynamic Structure Factor near Bragg Reflections: Graphite, Physical Review Letters, vol. 101. APS, p. 266406, 2008.
L. Reining, Electronic response: theoretical approaches and link to experiment. MORE: Meeting on Optical Response in Extended Systems, Vienna (Austria), 2008.
L. Reining, Exchange and correlation effects in electronic spectra: contributions from ab initio calculations. Workshop on X-ray spectroscopies: theory and experiment, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2008.
L. Reining, Insight and prediction of material properties from ab initio calculations of electronic excitations. Second International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationships in Solid State Materials, Nantes (France), 2008.
C. Kramberger, Hambach, R., Giorgetti, C., Ruemmeli, M. H., Knupfer, M., Fink, J., Buechner, B., Reining, L., Einarsson, E., Maruyama, S., Sottile, F., Hannewald, K., Olevano, V., Marinopoulos, A. - G., and Pichler, T., Linear plasmon dispersion in single-wall carbon nanotubes and the collective excitation spectrum of graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 100. AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA, p. 196803, 2008.
F. Sottile, Marsili, M., Olevano, V., and Reining, L., Efficient ab initio calculations of bound and continuum excitons in the absorption spectra of semiconductors and insulators, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 76. AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA, p. 161103, 2007.
