Found 579 results
“Linear electro-optic effect in semiconductors: Ab initio description of the electronic contribution”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 97. 2018.
, “Nonlocal and Nonadiabatic Effects in the Charge-Density Response of Solids: A Time-Dependent Density-Functional Approach”, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 120. American Physical Society, p. 166402, 2018.
, “Numerical design of meta-materials for photovoltaic applications”, Unversité Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau, 2018.
, “Optical gap and optically active intragap defects in cubic BN”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 98. American Physical Society, p. 094106, 2018.
, “Optimal Basis Set for Electron Dynamics in Strong Laser Fields: The case of Molecular Ion H_2^+”, J. Chem. Theory Comput., vol. 14. 2018.
, “Revisiting the origin of satellites in core-level photoemission of transparent conducting oxides: The case of $n$-doped $\mathrmSnO_2$”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 97. American Physical Society, p. 155102, 2018.
, “Spectroscopy of the Hubbard dimer: the spectral potential”, The European Physical Journal B, vol. 91. p. 192, 2018.
, “TDDFT, Linear Response and the DP code”. EUSPEC Training School on Spectroscopy Codes, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2018.
, “Ultrafast electron dynamics reveal the high potential of InSe for hot-carrier optoelectronics”, Phys. rev. B, vol. 97. 2018.
, “Ab-initio description of optical nonlinear properties of semiconductors in the presence of an electrostatic field”, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2017.
, “Bethe-Salpeter equation approach in solids”. CECAM Theoretical Chemistry for Extended Systems, Toulouse (France), 2017.
, “Collective charge excitations of the two-dimensional electride $\mathrmCa_2\mathrmN$”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96. 2017.
, “Direct observation of the band structure in bulk hexagonal boron nitride”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95. American Physical Society, p. 085410, 2017.
, “Excitons in van der Waals materials: From monolayer to bulk hexagonal boron nitride”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95. American Physical Society, p. 035125, 2017.
, “Introduction to Green functions methods for valence spectroscopies”. Workshop on Common problems and solutions in core and valence theoretical spectroscopies, Paris (France), 2017.
, “Low-energy electronic excitations and band-gap renormalization in CuO”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95. American Physical Society, p. 195142, 2017.
, “Model dielectric function for 2D semiconductors including substrate screening”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7. p. 39844 - , 2017.
, “Second Harmonic Generation in Silicon Based Heterostructures: The Role of Strain and Symmetry”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, vol. 9. 2017.
, “Self-consistent Dyson equation and self-energy functionals: An analysis and illustration on the example of the Hubbard atom”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96. American Physical Society, p. 045124, 2017.
, “Spectroscopy beyond GW”. EUSpec meeting: Ab-initio correlated methods in spectroscopy, 2017.
, “Time Dependent Density Functional Theory”. NSF/CECAM school on Computational Material Science, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2017.
, , “Ab initio approaches to spectroscopies”. SOLEIL, Theory Days, Gif-sur-Yvette (France), 2016.
, “Ab initio description of second-harmonic generation from crystal surfaces”, Phys. Rev. B, vol. 94. 2016.
, “Ab initio electronic stopping power of protons in bulk materials”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 93. AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA, p. 035128, 2016.