The new version of EXC is available. In particular the finite momentum transfer has been implemented.
!----- Type of calculation (default: linear response:tddft) -------------------
linear ! default: linear response in G space.
! solving the tddft equation for \chi
! this is not implemented in EXC
exciton ! excitonic calculation (the EXC code) in transition space
!---------- Energies for the diagonal part of H^exc (default:enks) ---------------------------------
enks ! default: use the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues found in the ground-state file
! to construct the diagonal of H^exc
gw ! perturbative GW energies: this variable implies the existence of a gwfile
qpsenergy ! self-consistent quasiparticle energies. this variable implies the
! existence of a qps file
so ! scissor operator correction.
! see below soenergy, stretch_valence, stretch_conduction
! like: e_GW = e_DFT * stretch
somult ! multi-scissor operator correction. implies the existence of a file
! called
!---------- Wavefunctions for the matrix elements (default:kss) ----------------------------
kss ! default. use the Kohn-Sham wavefunctions found in the ground-state file
! to construct the numerator of \chi^0
qps ! self-consistent quasiparticle eavefunctions. this variable implies the existence
! of a qps file
!------ Tamm-Dancoff Approximation (default) ---------------------------------------------------------
tammdancoff ! if this flag occurs the calculation will use the so-called Tamm-Dancoff approximation,
! i.e. only the resonant part of H^exc will be taken into account
resonant ! equivalent to tammdancoff
!--- Exciton solver (default:fulldiago) --------------------------------------------------------------
fulldiago ! default. diagonalization of the excitonic hamiltonian.
haydock ! iterative inversion of the excitonic hamiltonian. implies the variable niter (see below).
! only the final spectrum is obtained but no excitonic eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
! preventing further analysis.
haydock_restart ! write restart file. default false
!---- Screening --------------------------------------------------------------------------
wdiag ! default: only the diagonal (in G) of Wgg' is retained. it turns out to be a good
! approximation for solids
wfull !the whole gg' structure of W is used. important for clusters.
lf ! default: calculate also the exchange term <
nlf ! avoid the calculation of the exchange term <
! to a calculation without local fields.
!----- Use of shikted k-points --------------------------------------------------
shiftk ! if the ground state structure has been calculated using shifted
! k-points, we have to tell dp about it, otherwise it will try to use
! the symmetries of the system to sample the whole Brillouin zone.
! Alternatively (and deprecatively) you can still use the old way ...
nsymk 1 ! force EXC to consider only the first symmetry (the identity)
noinvk ! do not use inversion
! Remember: either one uses the 'shiftk' flag OR 'nsym 1' + 'noinv'
!----- convergency parameters ----------------------------------------------------
! default: all plane waves found on the _KSS file will be used
! default:all
! Remark: only one of the above parameters has to be specified
! fields) ! default:all
! to local fields) ! default:all
! Remark: only one of the above parameters has to be specified
! calculation ! default:all
! calculation ! default:1
!-- Pseudopotential --------------------------------------------------------------
novkb ! exclude the nonlocal part of the pseudopotential, which is unfortunately
! the leading term for a big number of transitions
!----- Momentum Transfer - Polarization of light ---------------------------------
! system. The value of q can range from 0 to very high
! value (several Brilloun zones equivalent)
! Very high q vector can be found in Electron energy loss
! or Inelastic X-ray Scattering. The case q=0 is
! particularly important for optical absorption, where the
! polarization of light can be secified giving a small
! value in one or another direction, e.g.
! q 0.0001 0.0001 0.0
! Remark: q uses the reduced coordinates here, not the
! cartesian ones.
doublegrid ! Allows to read two separate KSS-files for initial and final
! states, which are shifted by q with respect to each other.
! (e.g. k.p perturbation theory will be avoided at small q)
! USAGE: dp -i
! dp1.kss corresponds to the final states at k,
! dp2.kss corresponds to the initial states at k-q
antieps ! calculation of eps*(-q,-w) instead of eps(q,w), which
! corresponds to exchanging the two kss files in doublegrid
!----- Other flags -----------------------------------------------------------------
savememory ! if present this flag will make the code calculating the rhotw
! at any transition with a double Fourier transform, rather than
! storing the wave functions in real space. Advantage: reduction
! of the memory. Disadvantage: 3 instead of 2 Fourier
! transform per wavefunction.
! 0) minimum amount of info written down
! 1) default values. essential things are written down
! 2) Verbose mode: many more things are written down
! 3) Debug mode: to use only in debugging case,
! all the loop indices are written
! (tree and mem files created)
![]() Body: The new version of EXC is available. In particular the finite momentum transfer has been implemented. |
![]() Body: A new version of the code has been released: v3.1. Few changes and some bug corrections for this intermediate release. |
![]() Body: A new version of the code has been released: v3.0. |
![]() Body: Electronic excitations are probed by experimental techniques such as optical absorption, EELS and photo-emission (direct or inverse). |
![]() Body: Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures: Theory and Codes |