@article{370, keywords = {paper}, author = {Olevano V and Lucia Reining}, title = {Excitonic effects on the silicon plasmon resonance}, abstract = {We present an ab initio calculation of the electron energy loss spectrum of silicon including local-field, self-energy, and excitonic effects. When self-energy corrections are added to the standard random phase approximation (RPA) the line shape of the plasmon resonance worsens. The electron-hole interaction cancels this correction and improves the result both compared to the RPA and to the self-energy one, yielding very good agreement between theory and experiment provided that the mixing of interband transitions of both positive and negative frequencies is included.}, year = {2001}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, volume = {86}, number = {26}, pages = {5962-5965}, month = {JUN 25}, publisher = {AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC}, address = {ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA}, }