The role of relativity in the optical response of gold within the time-dependent current-density-functional theory

TitleThe role of relativity in the optical response of gold within the time-dependent current-density-functional theory
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
Romaniello, P, de Boeij, PL
Date PublishedAPR 22

We included relativistic effects in the formulation of the time-dependent current-density-functional theory for the calculation of linear response properties of metals {[}P. Romaniello and P. L. de Boeij, Phys. Rev. B (to be published)]. We treat the dominant scalar-relativistic effects using the zeroth-order regular approximation in the ground-state density-functional theory calculations, as well as in the time-dependent response calculations. The results for the dielectric function of gold calculated in the spectral range of 0-10 eV are compared with experimental data reported in literature and recent ellipsometric measurements. As well known, relativistic effects strongly influence the color of gold. We find that the onset of interband transitions is shifted from around 3.5 eV, obtained in a nonrelativistic calculation, to around 1.9 eV when relativity is included. With the inclusion of the scalar-relativistic effects there is an overall improvement of both real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function over the nonrelativistic ones. Nevertheless some important features in the absorption spectrum are not well reproduced, but can be explained in terms of spin-orbit coupling effects. The remaining deviations are attributed to the underestimation of the interband gap (5d-6sp band gap) in the local-density approximation and to the use of the adiabatic local-density approximation in the response calculation. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.

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