How to register:
- Click on "create new account" in the registration block on the left or follow this link. You will be redirect to the registration page.
- Fill in all the (requested) information and click the "Create new account" button at the end of the page. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.
- Note that until the registration deadline you can change/add information by logging in from the registration block on the left or following this link.
Then choose the "EDIT" tab.
How to submit an abstract:
The abstract can be submitted at the moment of creating the new account by using the same registration form. It can also be added/modified later, at any time until the abstract deadline:
- Log in to your account as explained here above,
- under "My account" choose the edit TAB,
- then choose the "workshop-abstract" TAB.
- finally fill in the form
Conference + hotel(full board) fees:
- single room, 7 days: 850 Euro
- single room, 5 days: 650 Euro
- double room, 7 days: 680 Euro
- double room, 5 days: 550 Euro
- no hotel room: 200 Euro (meals are included)
Please transfer the registration fee to:
- Account name: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft/Fritz-Haber-Institut
- Bank: Deutsche Bank München
- Account Number (for payments within Germany): 195130046
- BLZ (for payments within Germany): 700 700 10
- IBAN: DE76 700700100195130046
- VAT of FHI der MPG: DE 129 517 720
Please specify "ETSF 10" and your name on the transfer
All bank charges must be covered by the transmitter
- Abstract: 15 August
- Registration: 15 August
- Payment: 1 September