Romaniello, P. ., & de Boeij, P. L. (2005). Time-dependent current-density-functional theory for the metallic response of solids. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 71. (Original work published 2025)
Aragoni, M. ., Arca, M. ., Cassano, T. ., Denotti, C. ., Devillanova, F. ., Frau, R. ., … Verani, G. . (2003). NIR dyes based on [M(R,R timdt)(2)] metal-dithiolenes: Additivity of M, R, and R contributions to tune the NIR absorption (M = Ni, Pd, Pt; R,R timdt = monoreduced form of disubstituted imidazolidine-2,4,5-trithione). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1939-1947. (Original work published 2025)
Ponce, L. ., Taïeb, R. ., Véniard, V. ., & Maquet, A. . (2004). Dynamics of the ionization mechanism in ion-atom collisions at intermediate velocities. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 37, L297-L304. (Original work published)
Romaniello, P. ., & Lelj, F. . (2003). Optical non-linear properties of the [MXY] neutral mixed-ligand dithiolenes (M=Ni, Pd, Pt; X=R(2)timdt, dmit, mnt; Y=R(2)timdt, dmit, mnt; X=AY). The role of coordinated metal, substituents and of high lying excited states. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 372, 51-58. (Original work published)
Ponce, L. ., Taïeb, R. ., Véniard, V. ., & Maquet, A. . (2006). Attosecond-scale dynamics in ion-atom collision versus laser-atom interaction. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 39, 4985-4998. (Original work published)
Romaniello, P. ., & Lelj, F. . (2004). Effects of fluorine atoms on the optical nonlinear response of stilbene derivatives. JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY, 125, 145-149. (Original work published)
Véniard, V. ., Taïeb, R. ., & Maquet, A. . (2003). Photoionization of atoms using time-dependent density functional theory. LASER PHYSICS, 13, 465-474. (Original work published 2025)
Véniard, V. . (2006). Highlights and challenges in strong fields atomic and molecular processes, Time-dependent functional theory. LECTURES NOTES IN PHYSICS, 377.
Shelyapina, M. ., Morales, M. ., Bacmann, M. ., Baudelet, F. ., Fruchart, D. ., Giorgetti, C. ., … Wolfers, P. . (2004). Magnetic properties of RMn12-xFex type compounds - I. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of the ErMn12-xFex series with x=0, 7, 8 and 9. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 368, 84-93. (Original work published)
Cassano, T. ., Tommasi, R. ., Nitti, L. ., Aragoni, M. ., Arca, M. ., Denotti, C. ., … Romaniello, P. . (2003). Picosecond absorption saturation dynamics in neutral [M(R,R timdt)(2)] metal-dithiolenes. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 118, 5995-6002. (Original work published)