Ruotsalainen, K. ., Nicolaou, A. ., Sahle, C. J., Efimenko, A. ., Ablett, J. M., Rueff, J.-P. ., … Gatti, M. . (2021). Dynamical screening in SrVO3: Inelastic x-ray scattering experiments and ab initio calculations. Phys. Rev. B, 103, 235136. (Original work published 2025)
Fugallo, G. ., Cudazzo, P. ., Gatti, M. ., & Sottile, F. . (2021). Exciton band structure of molybdenum disulfide: from monolayer to bulk. Electronic Structure, 3, 014005.
Lorin, A. ., Gatti, M. ., Reining, L. ., & Sottile, F. . (2021). First-principles study of excitons in optical spectra of silver chloride. Phys. Rev. B, 104, 235149. (Original work published 2025)
Ruotsalainen, K. ., Gatti, M. ., Ablett, J. M., Yakhou-Harris, F. ., Rueff, J.-P. ., David, A. ., … Nicolaou, A. . (2021). Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of doping and temperature dependence of low-energy excitations in La1-xSrxVO3 thin films. Phys. Rev. B, 103, 235158. (Original work published 2025)
Pressacco, F. ., Sangalli, D. ., r, V. ech U. \i\v, Kutnyakhov, D. ., Arregi, J. A., Agustsson, S. Y., … Sirotti, F. . (2021). Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition in FeRh driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics. Nature Communications, 12, 5088. Retrieved from (Original work published)
Brandenburg, J. G., Burke, K. ., Fromager, E. ., Gatti, M. ., Giarrusso, S. ., Gidopoulos, N. I., … Yang, W. . (2020). New approaches to study excited states in density functional theory: general discussion. FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, 224, 483-508.
Sottile, F. ., Reining, L. ., Gatti, M. ., & Lorin, A. . (2020). The color photography of Edmond Becquerel and quantum mechanics. Edmond Becquerel Symposium. Presented at the. Paris. (Original work published 2020)
Sottile, F. ., Reining, L. ., Gatti, M. ., & Lorin, A. . (2020). The color photography of Edmond Becquerel and quantum mechanics. Edmond Becquerel Symposium, Paris (France). Presented at the. (Original work published)
Vanzini, M. ., Sottile, F. ., Reshetnyak, I. ., Ciuchi, S. ., Reining, L. ., & Gatti, M. . (2020). Design of auxiliary systems for spectroscopy. Faraday Discuss., 224, 424.
Wetherell, J. ., Costamagna, A. ., Gatti, M. ., & Reining, L. . (2020). Insights into one-body density matrices using deep learning. Faraday Discuss., 224, 265.