Vanzini, M. ., Sottile, F. ., Reshetnyak, I. ., Ciuchi, S. ., Reining, L. ., & Gatti, M. . (2020). Design of auxiliary systems for spectroscopy. Faraday Discuss., 224, 424.
Reshetnyak, I. ., Gatti, M. ., Sottile, F. ., & Reining, L. . (2019). Excitons on a microscopic level: The mixed dynamic structure factor. Phys. Rev. Research, 1, 032010. (Original work published 2025)
Zhou, J. S., Kas, J. ., Sponza, L. ., Reshetnyak, I. ., Guzzo, M. ., Giorgetti, C. ., … Reining, L. . (2015). Dynamical effects in electron spectroscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 184109.
Reshetnyak, I. . (2015). Computing optical properties and photo-emission spectra : a new starting point. Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau.
Reshetnyak, I. ., & Reining, L. . (2014). New starting point for the calculation of optical properties. DPG 2014. Presented at the. (Original work published)
Reshetnyak, I. . (2013). Introduction to Feynman Diagrams. (Original work published 2013)