Szymanowski, C. ., Véniard, V. ., Taïeb, R. ., Maquet, A. ., & Keitel, C. . (1997). Mott scattering in strong laser fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 56, 3846-3859. (Original work published 2025)
Szymanowski, C. ., Véniard, V. ., Taïeb, R. ., & Maquet, A. . (1997). Relativistic calculation of two-photon bound-bound transition amplitudes in hydrogenic atoms. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 56, 700-711. (Original work published 2025)
Szymanowski, C. ., Véniard, V. ., Taïeb, R. ., & Maquet, A. . (1997). Two-photon transitions in hydrogenic atoms via a Sturmian basis for the Dirac Coulomb Green s function. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 37, 391-396. (Original work published)