Sottile, F. . (2024). The Bethe-Salpeter Equation :: data, I/O . FAIRmat Hackathon - FAIR Data Management of Spectroscopy Simulations. Presented at the. Berlin. (Original work published 2024)
Sottile, F. . (2008). Introduction to Time Dependent Density Functional Theory. Description Quantique De La Structure Electronique Des Nanostructures Et Matriaux Complexes. CNRS, La Grande Motte (France). Presented at the. (Original work published 2008)
Sottile, F. ., Reining, L. ., Gatti, M. ., & Lorin, A. . (2020). The color photography of Edmond Becquerel and quantum mechanics. Edmond Becquerel Symposium, Paris (France). Presented at the. (Original work published 2020)
Sottile, F. . (2018). ENIGME: ab initio study of AgCl. IPANEMA: Du Laboratoire Au Musee, Paris (France). Presented at the. (Original work published 2018)
Sottile, F. . (2018). TDDFT, Linear Response and the DP code. EUSPEC Training School on Spectroscopy Codes, Sofia (Bulgaria). Presented at the. (Original work published 2018)
Sottile, F. . (2017). Bethe-Salpeter equation approach in solids. CECAM Theoretical Chemistry for Extended Systems, Toulouse (France). Presented at the. (Original work published 2017)
Sottile, F. . (2017). Introduction to Green functions methods for valence spectroscopies. Workshop on Common Problems and Solutions in Core and Valence Theoretical Spectroscopies, Paris (France). Presented at the. (Original work published 2017)
Sottile, F. . (2017). Spectroscopy beyond GW. EUSpec Meeting: Ab-Initio Correlated Methods in Spectroscopy. Presented at the. (Original work published 2017)
Sottile, F. . (2017). Time Dependent Density Functional Theory. NSF/CECAM/School/on/Computational/Material/Science,/Lausanne/(Switzerland). Presented at the. (Original work published 2017)
Sottile, F. . (2022). Electronic excitations via Inelastic X-ray Scattering: Green s functions approach. International Conference on Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (IXS2022), Oxford 2022. Presented at the. (Original work published 2022)