Guzzo, M. . (2008). Spin and exchange effects in NiO. (Original work published)
Rehr, J. J. (2013). Ken Wilson\textquoterights Renormalization Group and Applications to Statistical Physics. (Original work published)
Hübener, H. . (2008). Vibrational Coherences for Single Electron Transport. (Original work published)
Véniard, V. ., & Sottile, F. . (2013). Summary of september experimental conferences. (Original work published 2013)
Kane, G. ., Lazzeri, M. ., & Mauri, F. . (2013). Zener tunneling, Defects and transport in Quasi-metallic carbon nanotubes. (Original work published)
Tancogne-Dejean, N. ., Giorgetti, C. ., & Véniard, V. . (2015). Local field effects for optical linear and nonlinear properties of surfaces. (Original work published)