Participants: Thomas Ayral, Arjan Berger, Silke Biermann, Michele Casula, Pierluigi Cudazzo, Kay Dewhurst, Hardy Gross, Matteo Guzzo, Philipp Hansmann, John Rehr, Lucia Reining, Patrick Rinke, Pina Romaniello, Claudia Rödl, Francesco Sottile, Adrian Stan, Lorenzo Sponza, Falk Tandetzky, Jan Tomczak, Sky Zhou
THURSDAY 15-03-2012
Lucia Reining: Thoughts on the 1-body GF calculation from a set of differential equations
Lorenzo Sponza: Thoughts on the 2-body GF calculation from a set of differential equations
Sky Zhou: Insights from the Hubbard molecule
Claudia Roedl: Progresses on CuO
Jan Tomczak: Correlated semiconductors: the example of FeSi
Patrick Rinke: More analysis on scRPA/scGW
FRIDAY 16-03-2011:
Lucia Reining: Link MBPT-DMFT
Michele Casula: Satellites from dynamic screening in an extended DMFT framework: applications to SrVO3 and BaFe2As2 In this talk I present new methods to include the dynamically screened U in an extended DMFT ab-initio framework. I show how the frequency dependence of U comes naturally out from downfolding of the electronic structure, and I introduce the new features the frequency dependence brings in, as the plasmon satellites together with a renormalization of the low-energy properties in the spectra of strongly correlated systems. The cases of SrVO3 and BaFe2As2 are analyzed.
Thomas Ayral: Spectral properties of the extended Hubbard model: insights into screening and non-local correlations from fully self-consistent combination of GW and dynamical mean field theory
Kay Dewhurst and Falk Tandetski : Solving Hedin's equations
John Rehr: Charge-transfer satellites