Confirmed Participants: Arjan Berger, Michele Casula, Sophie Chauvin, Wael Chibani, Matteo Gatti, Matteo Guzzo, Joshua Kas, Giovanna Lani, Bernardo Mendoza, John Rehr, Lucia Reining, Igor Reshetnyak, Patrick Rinke, Dario Rocca, Pina Romaniello, Claudia Rödl, Francesco Sottile, Adrian Stan, Falk Tandetzky, Walter Tarantino, Sky Zhou
THURSDAY 21-05-2014
Dario Rocca: Effcient calculation of random-phase approximation correlation energies using Lanczos chains and an optimal basis set
Francesco Sottile: Exciton dispersion
Lucia Reining: Correlation team: where we want to go
Josh Kas: Cumulant Expansion For the Electron Green's Function: Phonon Excitations
Lucia Reining: How to obtain the cumulant
Giovanna Lani: Let's make the point with the Differential Equation for the 1-body Green's funciton
FRIDAY 22-05-2014:
Arjan Berger: Exact solution to the many-body problem in one point
Bernardo Mendoza: Best W from 1-point
Wael Chibani: Real space dynamical embedding