Former Permanent

Today, my main Scientific Interests in Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics:
- Many-Body Quantum Field Theory
- GW Approximation on the Self-Energy
- Vertex Corrections
- Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE)
- Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory
- eXchange-Correlation kernel beyond the LDA approximation
- Long-Range Contribution (LRC) kernel
- Nanoquanta kernel
- Studied properties
- Atomic and Electronic Structure
- Energy-Loss (EELS) and IXS Spectroscopy
- Optical Spectroscopy
- Quantum Transport
- Systems:
- Bulk systems: Insulators, Semiconductors
- 2D Graphene, Nanotubes
Aile 5
CNRS Researcher at the Institut Neel, in Grenoble Alpes.