Confirmed Participants: Viktor Atalla, Claudio Attaccalite, Arjan Berger, Michele Casula, Sophie Chauvin, Pier Luigi Cudazzo, Stefano Di Sabatino, Christoph Friedrich, Matteo Gatti, Matteo Guzzo, Giovanna Lani, Margherita Marsili, Valerio Olevano, Paul-Gerard Reinhard, Lucia Reining, Igor Reshetnyak, Patrick Rinke, Pina Romaniello, Claudia Rödl, Davide Sangalli, Arno Schindlmayr , Francesco Sottile, Adrian Stan, Falk Tandetzky, Sky Zhou
MONDAY 02-12-2013
Falk Tandetzky: Iterating Hedins Equations and obtaining diagrammatic expansions from that
Arno Schindlmayr: Two electrons on a sphere
Viktor Atalla: Hybrid density functional theory meets quasiparticle calculations: a consistent electronic structure approach
Christoph Friedrich: Many-body quasiparticle calculations with spin-orbit coupling
TUESDAY 03-12-2013:
P.-G. Reinhard: Lecture in STDHF
Michele Casula: Improper s-wave symmetry of the electronic pairing in iron-based superconductors by first-principles calculations
Claudio Attacalite: Second Harmonic Generation in h-BN and MoS2 monolayers: the role of electron-hole interaction