Confirmed Participants: Thomas Aryal, Ferdi Aryasetiawan, Claudio Attaccalite, Silke Biermann, Sophie Chauvin, Guido Fratesi, Christoph Friedrich, Giorgia Fugallo, Matteo Gatti, Rex Godby, Hardy Gross, Giovanna Lani, Robert van Leeuwen, Lucie Prussel, Giovanni Onida, John Rehr, Lucia Reining, Igor Reshetnyak, Dario Rocca, Pina Romaniello, Claudia Rödl, Davide Sangalli, Mark van Schilfgaarde, Arno Schindlmayr, Francesco Sottile, Lorenzo Sponza, Nicolas Tancogne-Dejean, Walter Tarantino, Marilena Tzavala, Sky Zhou
MONDAY 08-12-2014
Hardy Gross: Introduction to electron-nuclear coupling
Claudio Attaccalite: Correlation and electron-phonon coupling
Arno Schindlmayr: Magnetic spin-wave excitations
Thomas Aryal: A local, dynamical and self-consistent approximation to Hedin's three-leg vertex to unify the fluctuation-exchange and Mott pictures
TUESDAY 09-12-2014:
Rex Godby: Exact correlation in small model systems from propagation of the TDSE
Robert van Leeuwen: Vertex corrections
Guido Fratesi: Core Spectoscopies