Confirmed Participants: Thomas Aryal, Arjan Berger, Silke Biermann, Michele Casula, Sophie Chauvin, Pier Luigi Cudazzo, Stefano Di Sabatino, Marc Dvorak, Giorgia Fugallo, Matteo Gatti, Giovanna Lani, Ivan Leonov, Yusuke Nomura,Swarup Panda, John Rehr, Lucia Reining, Patrick Rinke, Pina Romaniello, Francesco Sottile, Adrian Stan, Walter Tarantino, Marilena Tzavala, Marco Vanzini, Sky Zhou
MONDAY 30-05-2016
Marc Dvorak: Combining many-body perturbation theory with configuration interaction calculations
Thomas Ayral: Mott Physics and collective modes: an atomic approximation of the four-particle irreducible functional
John Rehr: Particle-hole cumulant approach
TUESDAY 31-05-2016:
Walter Tarantino: Self-energy Functional in the One-Site Hubbard
Ivan Leonov: Oxides under pressure
Martin Panholzer: How to calculate the dynamic structure factors S(q,w)