Berger, J. A., Romaniello, P. ., Tandetzky, F. ., Mendoza, B. S., Brouder, C. ., & Reining, L. . (2014). Erratum: Solution to the many-body problem in one point. New Journal of Physics, 16, 119601. Retrieved from
Berger, J. A., Romaniello, P. ., Tandetzky, F. ., Mendoza, B. S., Brouder, C. ., & Reining, L. . (2014). Solution to the many-body problem in one point. New Journal of Physics, 16, 113025. Retrieved from
Lani, G. ., Romaniello, P. ., & Reining, L. . (2012). Approximations for many-body Green\textquoterights functions: insights from the fundamental equations. New Journal of Physics, 14, 013056. Retrieved from
Romaniello, P. ., Bechstedt, F. ., & Reining, L. . (2012). Beyond the GW approximation: Combining correlation channels. Phys. Rev. B, 85, 155131. (Original work published 2025)
Guzzo, M. ., Lani, G. ., Sottile, F. ., Romaniello, P. ., Gatti, M. ., Kas, J. ., … Reining, L. . (2011). Valence Electron Photoemission Spectrum of Semiconductors: Ab~Initio Description of Multiple Satellites. Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 166401. (Original work published 2025)
Sangalli, D. ., Romaniello, P. ., Onida, G. ., & Marini, A. . (2011). Double excitations in correlated systems: A many\textendashbody approach. J. Chem. Phys., 134, 034115.
Romaniello, P. ., D\textquoterightAndria, M. C., & Lelj, F. . (2010). Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ni(Me6pzS2)MX (M = Ni, Pd, Pt; X = Me2timdt, mnt). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114, 5838-5845.
Romaniello, P. ., Sangalli, D. ., Berger, J. A., Sottile, F. ., Molinari, L. G., Reining, L. ., & Onida, G. . (2009). Double excitations in finite systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 044108.
Romaniello, P. ., Guyot, S. ., & Reining, L. . (2009). The self-energy beyond GW: Local and nonlocal vertex corrections. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 154111.
Romaniello, P. ., & de Boeij, P. L. (2007). Relativistic two-component formulation of time-dependent current-density functional theory: Application to the linear response of solids. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 127. (Original work published)