Michelitsch, G. . (2021). Using a tabulated fxc to calculate the inverse dielectric function. (Original work published)
Koskelo, J. ., Gatti, M. ., & Reining, L. . (2022). TDDFT and BSE in the HEG: some analytic considerations. (Original work published)
Véniard, V. ., & Sottile, F. . (2013). Summary of september experimental conferences. (Original work published 2013)
Kane, G. ., Lazzeri, M. ., & Mauri, F. . (2013). Zener tunneling, Defects and transport in Quasi-metallic carbon nanotubes. (Original work published)
Cucca, A. . (2012). SSH Unveiled?. (Original work published)
Hambach, R. . (2011). The Integer Quantum Hall Effect. (Original work published)
Hambach, R. . (2010). Building Blocks Approach in EELS (from Graphite to Graphene to Carbon Nanotubes). (Original work published)
Hambach, R. . (2010). Towards Spatially Resolved EELS Calculations from First Principles. (Original work published)
Sottile, F. . (2009). Discussion about a training project. (Original work published)
Cucca, A. . (2009). MAUI or: How I stop Worrying and Love the Cluster. (Original work published)