- Giorgia Fugallo, Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Francesco Sottile Exciton band structure of molybdenum disulfide: from monolayer to bulk Electronic Structure 3, 014005 (2021). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Lucia Reining Correlation satellites in optical and loss spectra PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2, 012032 (2020). Export BibTeX
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti Collective charge excitations of the two-dimensional electride $\mathrmCa_2\mathrmN$ Phys. Rev. B 96, (2017). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Jaakko Koskelo, Giorgia Fugallo, Mikko Hakala, Matteo Gatti, Francesco Sottile, Pierluigi Cudazzo Excitons in van der Waals materials: From monolayer to bulk hexagonal boron nitride Phys. Rev. B 95, 035125 (2017). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, L Sponza, Christine Giorgetti, Lucia Reining, Francesco Sottile, Matteo Gatti Exciton Band Structure in Two-Dimensional Materials Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 066803 (2016). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Eric Müller, Carsten Habenicht, Matteo Gatti, Helmuth Berger, Martin Knupfer, Angel Rubio, Simo Huotari Negative plasmon dispersion in 2 H -NbS 2 beyond the charge-density-wave interpretation New Journal of Physics 18, (2016). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Francesco Sottile, Angel Rubio, Matteo Gatti Exciton dispersion in molecular solids Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 113204 (2015). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Kari Ruotsalainen, Christoph Sahle, Ali Al-Zein, Helmuth Berger, Efrén Navarro-Moratalla, Simo Huotari, Matteo Gatti, Angel Rubio High-energy collective electronic excitations in layered transition-metal dichalcogenides Phys. Rev. B 90, 125125 (2014). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Daniel Wegkamp, Marc Herzog, Lede Xian, Matteo Gatti, Pierluigi Cudazzo, Christina McGahan, Robert Marvel, Richard Haglund, Angel Rubio, Martin Wolf, Julia Stähler Instantaneous Band Gap Collapse in Photoexcited Monoclinic VO2 due to Photocarrier Doping Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 216401 (2014). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Angel Rubio Interplay between structure and electronic properties of layered transition-metal dichalcogenides: Comparing the loss function of 1T and 2H polymorphs Phys. Rev. B 90, 205128 (2014). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Angel Rubio, Francesco Sottile Frenkel versus charge-transfer exciton dispersion in molecular crystals Phys. Rev. B 88, 195152 (2013). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Angel Rubio Local-field effects on the plasmon dispersion of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides New Journal of Physics 15, 125005 (2013). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Friedrich Roth, Pierluigi Cudazzo, Benjamin Mahns, Matteo Gatti, Johannes Bauer, Silke Hampel, Markus Nohr, Helmuth Berger, Martin Knupfer, Angel Rubio Loss spectroscopy of molecular solids: combining experiment and theory New Journal of Physics 15, 125024 (2013). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Angel Rubio Plasmon dispersion in layered transition-metal dichalcogenides PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, (2012). Export BibTeX
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Angel Rubio Excitons in molecular crystals from first-principles many-body perturbation theory: Picene versus pentacene PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86, (2012). Export BibTeX
- Pierluigi Cudazzo, Matteo Gatti, Friedrich Roth, Benjamin Mahns, Martin Knupfer, Angel Rubio Plasmon dispersion in molecular solids: Picene and potassium-doped picene Physical Review B 84, 155118 (2011). Export BibTeX