- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet Atomic multiple ionization in ultra-strong laser fields JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 50, 365-373 (2003). Export BibTeX
- Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Double ionization of excited helium states by an intense laser field: spin and dressing effects JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 36, 4145-4154 (2003). Export BibTeX
- Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Photoionization of atoms using time-dependent density functional theory LASER PHYSICS 13, 465-474 (2003). Export BibTeX
- J Wassaf, Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Roles of resonances and recollisions in strong-field atomic phenomena: Above-threshold ionization PHYSICAL REVIEW A 67, (2003). Export BibTeX
- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, J Wassaf, Alfred Maquet Roles of resonances and recollisions in strong-field atomic phenomena. II. High-order harmonic generation PHYSICAL REVIEW A 68, (2003). Export BibTeX
- Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Atomic clusters submitted to an intense short laser pulse: A density-functional approach PHYSICAL REVIEW A 65, (2002). Export BibTeX
- A de Bohan, B Piraux, L Ponce, Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet Direct and indirect pathways in strong field atomic ionization dynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 89, (2002). Export BibTeX
- B Rotenberg, Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet H-2(+) in intense laser field pulses: ionization versus dissociation within moving nucleus simulations JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 35, L397-L402 (2002). Export BibTeX
- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet Photoelectron spectra from multiple ionization of atoms in ultra-intense laser pulses PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 87, (2001). Export BibTeX
- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet, NL Manakov, SI Marmo Circular dichroism from unpolarized atoms in multiphoton multicolor ionization PHYSICAL REVIEW A 62, (2000). Export BibTeX
- NL Manakov, Alfred Maquet, SI Marmo, Valérie Véniard, G Ferrante Elliptic dichroism and angular distribution of electrons in two-photon ionization of atoms JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 32, 3747-3767 (1999). Export BibTeX
- Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Simple model for harmonic generation from atomic clusters PHYSICAL REVIEW A 60, 3952-3959 (1999). Export BibTeX
- Alfred Maquet, Valérie Véniard, TA Marian The Coulomb Green s function and multiphoton calculations JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 31, 3743-3764 (1998). Export BibTeX
- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet Signature of relativistic effects in atom-laser interactions at ultrahigh intensities PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 81, 2882-2885 (1998). Export BibTeX
- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet Theory of two-color pump-probe determination of ionization dynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW A 57, R4098-R4101 (1998). Export BibTeX
- C Szymanowski, Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet, CH Keitel Mott scattering in strong laser fields PHYSICAL REVIEW A 56, 3846-3859 (1997). Export BibTeX
- C Szymanowski, Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Relativistic calculation of two-photon bound-bound transition amplitudes in hydrogenic atoms PHYSICAL REVIEW A 56, 700-711 (1997). Export BibTeX
- C Szymanowski, Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Two-photon transitions in hydrogenic atoms via a Sturmian basis for the Dirac Coulomb Green s function EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 37, 391-396 (1997). Export BibTeX
- Richard Taïeb, Valérie Véniard, Alfred Maquet Two-color coherent control of atomic multiphoton ionization with high-order harmonics: Time-dependent Schrodinger equation treatment JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 13, 363-370 (1996). Export BibTeX
- Valérie Véniard, Richard Taïeb, Alfred Maquet Laser-assisted multicolor photoionization of atoms with higher harmonics Comm. Atom. Molec. Phys. 33, 53 (1996). Export BibTeX