- A-G Marinopoulos, L Wirtz, A Marini, Olevano V, Angel Rubio, Lucia Reining Optical absorption and electron energy loss spectra of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes: a first-principles approach Applied Physics A 78, 1157-1167 (2004). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Silvana Botti, N Vast, Lucia Reining, Olevano V, LC Andreani Ab initio and semiempirical dielectric response of superlattices Phys. Rev. B 70, (2004). Export BibTeX External Link.
- A-G Marinopoulos, Lucia Reining, Angel Rubio, Olevano V Ab initio study of the optical absorption and wave-vector-dependent dielectric response of graphite Phys. Rev. B 69, (2004). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Silvana Botti, Francesco Sottile, N Vast, Olevano V, Lucia Reining, Hans-Christian Weissker, Angel Rubio, G Onida, Rodolfo Del Sole, RW Godby Long-range contribution to the exchange-correlation kernel of time-dependent density functional theory Phys. Rev. B 69, (2004). Export BibTeX External Link.
- G Satta, G Cappellini, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Ab Initio Calculations for the Electronic Spectra of Cubic and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 829, (2004). Export BibTeX External Link.
- G Satta, G Cappellini, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Many-body effects in the electronic spectra of cubic boron nitride Phys. Rev. B 70, (2004). Export BibTeX External Link.
- L Wirtz, Olevano V, A-G Marinopoulos, Lucia Reining, Angel Rubio Optical absorption in small BN and C nanotubes Electronic Properties of Novel Materials: XVIIth International Winterschool, Ed. H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring and S. Roth, World (2003)., Conference proceedings 685, 406-410 (2003). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Rodolfo Del Sole, G Adragna, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Long-range behavior and frequency dependence of exchange-correlation kernels in solids Phys. Rev. B 67, (2003). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Francesco Sottile, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Parameter-free calculation of response functions in time-dependent density-functional theory Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 056402 (2003). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Silvana Botti, N Vast, Lucia Reining, Olevano V, LC Andreani Ab initio calculations of the anisotropic dielectric tensor of GaAs/AlAs superlattices Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, (2002). Export BibTeX External Link.
- A-G Marinopoulos, Lucia Reining, Olevano V, Angel Rubio, T. Pichler, X Liu, M. Knupfer, J. Fink Anisotropy and interplane interactions in the dielectric response of graphite Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, (2002). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Lucia Reining, Olevano V, Angel Rubio, G Onida Excitonic effects in solids described by time-dependent density-functional theory Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, (2002). Export BibTeX External Link.
- N Vast, Lucia Reining, Olevano V, P Schattschneider, B Jouffrey Local field effects in the electron energy loss spectra of rutile TiO2 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 037601 (2002). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Olevano V, Lucia Reining Excitonic effects on the silicon plasmon resonance Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5962-5965 (2001). Export BibTeX
- Olivia Pulci, Maurizia Palummo, Olevano V, G Onida, Lucia Reining, Rodolfo Del Sole Many-body effects on the electronic and optical properties of bulk GaP Phys. Stat. Sol. A 188, 1261-1266 (2001). Export BibTeX
- Olevano V, EL Shirley, Stefan Albrecht, Chelikowsky JR, SG Louie, Lucia Reining, G Martinez Ab initio calculations of response properties including the electron-hole interaction Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 579, 9-19 (2000). Export BibTeX