- Fernandez Seivane, H Barron, Silvana Botti, M Marques, Angel Rubio, Xochitl Lopez-Lozano Atomic and electronic properties of quasi-one-dimensional MoS2 nanowires Journal of Materials Research 28, (2013). Export BibTeX External Link.
- D. Kammerlander, Silvana Botti, M Marques, A Marini, C. Attaccalite Speeding up the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation by a double-grid method and Wannier interpolation Phys. Rev. B 86, 125203, (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
- J. Flores-Livas, M. Amsler, T.J. Lenosky, L. Lehtovaara, Silvana Botti, M Marques, S. Goedecker High-pressure structures of disilane and their superconducting properties Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 117004, (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
- M. Amsler, J. Flores-Livas, L. Lehtovaara, F. Balima, S.A. Ghasemi, D. Machon, S Pailhes, A. Willand, D. Caliste, Silvana Botti, A. San Miguel, S. Goedecker, M Marques Crystal structure of cold compressed graphite Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 065501, (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
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- D. Hapiuk, M Marques, P. Melinon, J. Flores-Livas, Silvana Botti, B. Masenelli p-doping in expanded phase of ZnO: An ab initio study Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 115903, (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
- J. Flores-Livas, L. Lehtovaara, M. Amsler, S. Goedecker, S Pailhes, Silvana Botti, A. San Miguel, M Marques Raman activity of sp3 carbon allotropes under pressure: A density functional theory study Phys. Rev. B 85, 155428, (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Silvana Botti, D. Kammerlander, M Marques Band structures of Cu2ZnSnS4 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 from many-body methods Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 241915, (2011). Export BibTeX External Link.
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- J. Flores-Livas, R. Debord, Silvana Botti, A. San Miguel, M Marques, S Pailhes Enhancing the superconducting transition temperature of BaSi2 by structural tuning Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 087002, (2011). Export BibTeX External Link.
- M.J.T. Oliveira, Silvana Botti, M Marques Modeling van der Waals interactions between proteins and inorganic surfaces from time-dependent density functional theory calculations Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 15055, (2011). Export BibTeX External Link.
- J. Flores-Livas, R. Debord, Silvana Botti, A. San Miguel, S Pailhes, M Marques Superconductivity in Layered Binary Silicides: A density functional theory study Phys. Rev. B 84, 184503, (2011). Export BibTeX External Link.
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- José Vilhena, Silvana Botti, M Marques Excitonic effects in the optical properties of CdSe nanowires Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 123106, (2010). Export BibTeX External Link.
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