New visiting Student :: Jannis | A big welcome to Jannis Kockläuener, from Dresden (group of Dorothea Golze), who is visiting our group for 5 weeks. |
New visiting student :: Caja | Big welcome to Caja Annweiler, who is visiting the group. She is at the moment a PhD student in the group of Claudia Draxl in Berlin. |
Correlation meeting 2024 | The 2024 correlation meeting is hosted in our group and takes place on December, 10-13. See for the program and the venue. |
Dick Douma for a short visit in the group | Douma comes from the Université Marien Ngouabi. He arrived for a short 3-months visit but will apply for a longer stay. |
Visit of Richard Martin | Today, Richard Martin (from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) visited the group. A good occasion for an informal scientific discussion on many topics, in particular on the density matrix.
Two new PhD students :: Jean and Ilayda | A big welcome to our new PhD students: Jean Goossaert, who did the master internship with us and is now continuing into graduate studies, in collaboration with Rennes University; and Ilayda Ashgar, who did master studies in Cyprus (physics) and in Toulouse (math). |
Two visiting students in the group :: Christopher and Virginie | Welcome to our new visiting students, Christopher Coveney from Oxford University and Virginie de Mestral, from ETHZ Zurich. |
New website |
Two (almost) new PhD students :: Muhammed and Carlos | After their successful master withing our group, Carlos and Muhammed start their PhD. Welcome to both of you. |
Master thesis defended :: Carlos | Many congratulations to Carlos, for defending his Master project: "Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of density matrices of the helium atom: what can we learn from the exact solution?" |
Master thesis defended :: Jean | Many congratulations to Jean, who defended his Master project, "Energy levels and band offsets at interfaces from first-principles: example of asymmetric Hubbard dimer". |
Two new master students :: Mohamed and Almiqdad | We welcome our two new students, Mohamed Gamaleldin Mahgoub Hamid and Almiqdad Haytham Greeb Allah Yahya, who benefited from an internship funded by CNRS, Dispositif de Soutien aux Collaborations avec l’Afrique subsaharienne. |
Alam defended his PhD | ![]() Alam Osorio, defended his thesis, entitled "Charged density response of 2D polymorphs: borophene as a prototypical case". The jury was composed of Giovanni Onida, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Arjan Berger, Cecilia Noguez, Alice Ruini, and the two supervisors, Lucia Reining and Francesco Sottile. |
Four new master students :: Muhammed, Carlos, Jean, Niklas | We welcome four new students, who are going to do their master internship in our group: Muhammed Gunes, Carlos Rodriguez Perez, Jean Goossaert, Niklas Penner. |
Abdallah's PHD |
Marc defended his Master Thesis | Many congratulations to Marc who defended his Master project "Analysis and efficient computational scheme |
Visting PhD student :: Jakob | Jakob Wolff, a PhD student in Jena, is visiting the group for an internship of two months, with Lucia and Matteo. |
New postdoc :: Felana | Felana Andriambelaza started her postdoc, with Christine, on a project related to the ANR Deep2D. |
New PhD student :: Sarbajit | Sarbajit Dutta joined the group as a PhD student, under the supervision of Matteo and Lucia. |
New master students | We are glad to welcome two visiting master students: Abezu Agegnehu from Ethiopia and Newman Amoyaw from Ghana. They have a Polytechnique fellowship for a two-months internship with us. |
New postdoc :: Maram Ali Ahmed | We welcome the new postdoc in the group, Maram Ali Ahmed. Like Fatema, she came in 2022 for a 3-month internship (thanks to the French embassy in Sudan and the Institut français of Sudan). She is now the recipient of the Schlumberger Foundation fellowship, working with Matteo on Metavalent bond materials. |
New postdoc :: Kevin Leveque-Simon | Kevin has now joined Valerie's team to work on non-linear processes. |
Vitaly Gorelov joins the group | Vitaly, so far post-doc in our group, won the CNRS concour and is now a CNRS permanent researcher. Welcome! |
New Postdoc :: Fatema Mohamed | Fatema visited the lab last year for a 3-month internship (thanks to the French embassy in Sudan and the Institut français of Sudan). She is now the recipient of the EuroTechPostdoc2 Programme, working with Matteo (and Nicola Marzari in Lausanne) on Excitons in novel one-dimensional materials. |
Poster prize for Vitaly and Alam | Vitaly and Alam obtained a poster prize at the Psi-K Conference in Lausanne (08/2022). Well done! |
Correlation Meeting in Palaiseau | We resume our series of correlation meetings in Palaiseau. Info available here: |
New postdoc :: Lionel Lacombe | Welcome to Lionel Lacombe, new postdoc i the group, who is going to work on the connector theory, together with Matteo and Lucia. |
New Master Student :: Marc Aichner | We welcome a new Master Student, Marc Aichner, who is going to work on the connector theory, together with Lucia and Matteo. |
New post-doc :: Laura Urquiza | We welcome in the group Laura Urquiza, who has finished her PhD in Barcelona and now starts her postdoc with Francesco and Matteo. The objective is to develop and apply theoretical Resonant Inelastic X-ray scattering spectroscopy (RIXS) in strong collaboration with experimentalists. |