- J Berger, P. Romaniello, Falk Tandetzky, Bernardo Mendoza, Christian Brouder, Lucia Reining Erratum: Solution to the many-body problem in one point New Journal of Physics 16, 119601 (2014). Export BibTeX External Link.
- J Berger, P. Romaniello, Falk Tandetzky, Bernardo Mendoza, Christian Brouder, Lucia Reining Solution to the many-body problem in one point New Journal of Physics 16, 113025 (2014). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Giovanna Lani, P. Romaniello, Lucia Reining Approximations for many-body Green\textquoterights functions: insights from the fundamental equations New Journal of Physics 14, 013056 (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
- P. Romaniello, F. Bechstedt, Lucia Reining Beyond the GW approximation: Combining correlation channels Phys. Rev. B 85, 155131 (2012). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Davide Sangalli, P. Romaniello, G Onida, Andrea Marini Double excitations in correlated systems: A many\textendashbody approach J. Chem. Phys. 134, 034115, (2011). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Matteo Guzzo, Giovanna Lani, Francesco Sottile, P. Romaniello, Matteo Gatti, J.J. Kas, John Rehr, Mathieu Silly, Fausto Sirotti, Lucia Reining Valence Electron Photoemission Spectrum of Semiconductors: Ab~Initio Description of Multiple Satellites Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 166401 (2011). Export BibTeX External Link.
- P. Romaniello, M. D\textquoterightAndria, F Lelj Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ni(Me6pzS2)MX (M = Ni, Pd, Pt; X = Me2timdt, mnt) The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 5838-5845 (2010). Export BibTeX External Link.
- P. Romaniello, D Sangalli, J Berger, Francesco Sottile, L. Molinari, Lucia Reining, G Onida Double excitations in finite systems Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 044108 (2009). Export BibTeX External Link.
- P. Romaniello, S. Guyot, Lucia Reining The self-energy beyond GW: Local and nonlocal vertex corrections The Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 154111 (2009). Export BibTeX External Link.
- P. Romaniello, P. de Boeij Relativistic two-component formulation of time-dependent current-density functional theory: Application to the linear response of solids JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 127, (2007). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, F Lelj, Massimiliano Arca, FA Devillanova Structural and new spectroscopic properties of neutral [M(dmit)(2)](dmit = (CS52-)-S-3, 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate) and [M(H(2)timdt)(2)](H(2)timdt = H2C3N2S31-, monoanion of imidazolidine-2,4,5-trithione) complexes within the density functional THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS 117, 621-635 (2007). Export BibTeX
- J Berger, P. Romaniello, R. van Leeuwen, P. de Boeij Performance of the Vignale-Kohn functional in the linear response of metals PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, (2006). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, P. de Boeij, F Carbone, D van der Marel Optical properties of bcc transition metals in the range 0-40 eV PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, (2006). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, P. de Boeij The role of relativity in the optical response of gold within the time-dependent current-density-functional theory JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 122, (2005). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, P. de Boeij Time-dependent current-density-functional theory for the metallic response of solids PHYSICAL REVIEW B 71, (2005). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, F Lelj Effects of fluorine atoms on the optical nonlinear response of stilbene derivatives JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY 125, 145-149 (2004). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, MC Aragoni, M Arca, T Cassano, C Denotti, FA Devillanova, F Isaia, F Lelj, Lippolis V, R Tommasi Ground and excited states of [M(H(2)timdt)(2)] neutral dithiolenes (M = Ni, Pd, Pt; H(2)timdt = monoanion of imidazolidine-2,4,5-trithione): Description within TDDFT and scalar relativistic (ZORA) approaches JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 107, 9679-9687 (2003). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, F Lelj Limits in the second-order response of [M(H(2)imXdt) (H(2)imYdt)] neutral complexes (M = Ni, Pd, Pt; H(2)imXdt = monoanion of imidazolidine-2-chalcogenone-4,5-dithione; X = O, S, Se; Y = O, S, Se; X not equal Y): a pure theoretical study based on TD-DFT JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM 636, 23-37 (2003). Export BibTeX
- MC Aragoni, M Arca, T Cassano, C Denotti, FA Devillanova, R Frau, F Isaia, F Lelj, Lippolis V, L Nitti, P. Romaniello, R Tommasi, G Verani NIR dyes based on [M(R,R timdt)(2)] metal-dithiolenes: Additivity of M, R, and R contributions to tune the NIR absorption (M = Ni, Pd, Pt; R,R timdt = monoreduced form of disubstituted imidazolidine-2,4,5-trithione) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1939-1947 (2003). Export BibTeX
- P. Romaniello, F Lelj Optical non-linear properties of the [MXY] neutral mixed-ligand dithiolenes (M=Ni, Pd, Pt; X=R(2)timdt, dmit, mnt; Y=R(2)timdt, dmit, mnt; X=AY). The role of coordinated metal, substituents and of high lying excited states CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 372, 51-58 (2003). Export BibTeX