- E Luppi, Hans-Christian Weissker, Sandro Bottaro, Francesco Sottile, Valérie Véniard, Lucia Reining, G Onida Accuracy of the pseudopotential approximation in ab initio theoretical spectroscopies Physical Review B 78, 245124 (2008). Export BibTeX External Link.
- R. Hambach, Christine Giorgetti, N. Hiraoka, Y. Cai, Francesco Sottile, A-G Marinopoulos, F. Bechstedt, Lucia Reining Anomalous Angular Dependence of the Dynamic Structure Factor near Bragg Reflections: Graphite Physical Review Letters 101, 266406 (2008). Export BibTeX External Link.
- C. Kramberger, R. Hambach, Christine Giorgetti, M. Ruemmeli, M. Knupfer, J. Fink, B. Buechner, Lucia Reining, E. Einarsson, S. Maruyama, Francesco Sottile, K. Hannewald, Olevano V, A-G Marinopoulos, T. Pichler Linear plasmon dispersion in single-wall carbon nanotubes and the collective excitation spectrum of graphene Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, (2008). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Francesco Sottile, Margherita Marsili, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Efficient ab initio calculations of bound and continuum excitons in the absorption spectra of semiconductors and insulators Phys. Rev. B 76, 161103 (2007). Export BibTeX External Link.
- L. Caramella, G Onida, F. Finocchi, Lucia Reining, Francesco Sottile Optical properties of real surfaces: Local-field effects at oxidized Si(100)(2x2) computed with an efficient numerical scheme Phys. Rev. B 75, (2007). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Fabien Bruneval, Francesco Sottile, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Beyond time-dependent exact exchange: The need for long-range correlation J. Chem. Phys. 124, 144113 (2006). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Hans-Christian Weissker, J Serrano, Simo Huotari, Fabien Bruneval, Francesco Sottile, G Monaco, M Krisch, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Signatures of short-range many-body effects in the dielectric function of silicon for finite momentum transfer Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 237602 (2006). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Olivia Pulci, Margherita Marsili, E Luppi, Conor Hogan, V. Garbuio, Francesco Sottile, R Magri, Rodolfo Del Sole Electronic excitations in solids: Density functional and Green\textquoterights function theory PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 242, 2737-2750 (2005). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Silvana Botti, A Fourreau, F Nguyen, YO Renault, Francesco Sottile, Lucia Reining Energy dependence of the exchange-correlation kernel of time-dependent density functional theory: A simple model for solids Phys. Rev. B 72, 125203 (2005). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Fabien Bruneval, Francesco Sottile, Olevano V, Rodolfo Del Sole, Lucia Reining Many-body perturbation theory using the density-functional concept: Beyond the GW approximation Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 186402 (2005). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Francesco Sottile, Fabien Bruneval, A-G Marinopoulos, L. Dash, Silvana Botti, Olevano V, N Vast, Angel Rubio, Lucia Reining TDDFT from molecules to solids: The role of long-range interactions Int. J. of Quantum Chemistry 102, 684-701 (2005). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Francesco Sottile, K Karlsson, Lucia Reining, F Aryasetiawan Macroscopic and microscopic components of exchange-correlation interactions Phys. Rev. B 68, (2003). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Francesco Sottile, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Parameter-free calculation of response functions in time-dependent density-functional theory Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 056402 (2003). Export BibTeX External Link.
- Francesco Sottile, P BALLONE Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo computations for closed-shell jellium spheres PHYSICAL REVIEW B 64, (2001). Export BibTeX External Link.