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- Hans-Christian Weissker, J Serrano, Simo Huotari, Fabien Bruneval, Francesco Sottile, G Monaco, M Krisch, Olevano V, Lucia Reining Signatures of short-range many-body effects in the dielectric function of silicon for finite momentum transfer Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 237602 (2006). Export BibTeX External Link.
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- Francesco Sottile, Fabien Bruneval, A-G Marinopoulos, L. Dash, Silvana Botti, Olevano V, N Vast, Angel Rubio, Lucia Reining TDDFT from molecules to solids: The role of long-range interactions Int. J. of Quantum Chemistry 102, 684-701 (2005). Export BibTeX External Link.